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Sun Tzu Art of War Funny Song

Thomas Huynh

How did you first discover Sun Tzu's Art of War?

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Hrit Roy some random pig on the internet
Anna some random 21 year old who dropped out of college to play an indie block game
Ashleigh It's funny, but what really got me interested in this book was the album of the same name by Sabaton.
Anella hall Technoblad also known as a random pig on the internet.
Mari A humble potato farmer.
Marinos Vallianos I first learned of Sun Tzu and "The Art of War" from an Epic Rap Battles of History video on YouTube, titled "Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers".
Chris Quote from the Soldier on Team Fortress 2, where the bloodthirsty psychopath quotes Sun Tzu, then prattles on, mixing up his story with the story of Noah. "And then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth. Then, he herded them onto a boat and then he beat the crap out of every single one! That's why when you have a bunch of animals together, it's called a ZOO (Tzu)!
Tomboo a 22 year old man who dropped out of collage to play a block game and win wars in it
Miriam funny pig man on youtube
Dionysia pewdiepie mentioned it in a lot of his book videos so i got curious
Jonathan Agarrado My dad kept mentioning it whenever he played strategy board games with me. He often won, and that got me curious about the book.
꧁ Zehra ꧂ I was watching a historical korean drama called (Empress ki) which talks a bout a chinese emperor of yuan Dynasty who falls in love with a korean slave who will turn into the last empress of the yuan dynasty .. and for her to be able to live in the palace she read "the Art of war"
Tekkaxel the pig himself (it's sorta amazing that so many people in the replies r from techno)
Maysalkirii I read everything within my reach and this happens to be within my reach
Alex I'm a writer and I wanted to better understand military strategy for when writing related scenes and events. If I'm going to write about it, I must understand it first.
Brandon Nelson A friend read it while he was incarcerated, and recommended it to me years later when we were talking about the Iraq conflict.
Michael As an archaeologist i am interested in studying the past and i have always wanted to read this text. I'm so glad that i did.
Ess At a big grocery store that had a book wing.
I liked the title, did not expect me becoming a fan of ancient Asia but I am.
David Fuentes I was watching "Hater" and there some character was reading the book.
Charlie Technoblade. He who never dies
Michael From the person who won a war of potatoes against a young squid
Al the man that drop kicked a child in self-defence
Free the sopranos mentioning it every ten episodes
E VNV Nation's song "The Art of Conflict."
That Bitch Arsyn A potato war with a 21 year old who dropped out of college to play an indie block game with great elbows
Juhana Kuparinen I saw those quotes in Shogun 2 Total War loading screens. I played that game a lot as a teenager.
Solo_pog T E C H N O B L A D E or pig man
Aryana Grimes's "Violence" music video
Suden Käpälä I don't recall where I first heard about it. That data is lost in the fog of war my memory. I clearly recall, though, when I discovered it (i.e., found that it was very interesting and that I wanted to know more about it): when first hearing the song The art of conflict by VNV Nation. For the record, that was somewhere in 2009. In the mean time, many different editions caught my eye, and I was able to have insightful discussions about it with the owners. Enough to want to read it.
braambees heard of it before, technoblade convinced me
Luis Barragan After reading "The Prince" fron Niccolo Machiavelli, I wanted to read more books of the sort, and after a little questioning got to this one.
Samman my brother had this book lying on his cupboard with dirt and dust all over it. I noticed that this book is short and about war, so I got interested.
Josephine i've been seeing a lot about it before but what really compelled me to read the book was when sun tzu was quoted in the tv series The 100.
Jack Vu PRISON BREAK brought me here.
Aiiv Memes! and technoblade
Linaa Bak from the "QUANTICO" series ;)
an amazing serie that i absolutely recommend to watch :)
u won't regret it , trut me :)
Z I'd heard about it first in high school, but I can't rememeber the exact context of it. I became interested after watching a few Chinese dramas where women were using his strategies for political gain (The Story of Ming Lan was the tipping point). It made me curious as to how the Art of War could apply to the political landscape.
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